Le Fermilab – Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

Un laboratoire spécialisé dans la physique des particules des hautes énergies.

Fermilab is America’s particle physics and accelerator laboratory

Le Fermilab est situé à Batavia, près de Chicago, dans l’État de Illinois aux États-Unis. Il agit sous la tutelle du département de l’Énergie des États-Unis américain dans le cadre de l’Universities Research Association. L’URA est un consortium regroupant 90 universités de pointe situées principalement aux États-Unis mais dont des membres se trouvent également au Canada, au Japon et en Italie.

Le laboratoire fut fondé en 1967 en tant que National Accelerator Laboratory, puis fut renommé en l’honneur de Enrico Fermi en 1974.

C’est un laboratoire spécialisé dans la physique des particules des hautes énergies. Il utilise le Tevatron. En septembre 2008, l’accélérateur de particules du Fermilab, le Tevatron, était le second plus grand au monde avec une circonférence de près de 6 km, derrière le Grand collisionneur de hadrons (LHC) en Europe.

Sur le site de Fermilab

Since 1967, Fermilab has worked to answer these and other fundamental questions and enhance our understanding of everything we see around us. As the United States’ premier particle physics laboratory, we do science that matters. We work on the world’s most advanced particle accelerators and dig down to the smallest building blocks of matter. We also probe the farthest reaches of the universe, seeking out the nature of dark matter and dark energy.

Fermilab’s 1,750 employees include scientists and engineers from all around the world. Fermilab collaborates with more than 50 countries on physics experiments based in the United States and elsewhere.

Fermilab’s 6,800-acre site is located in Batavia, Illinois, and is managed by the Fermi Research Alliance LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. FRA is a partnership of the University of Chicago and Universities Research Association Inc., a consortium of 89 research universities.

For more about who we are and what we do, follow the links below. Contact us at fermilab@fnal.gov or by calling 630-840-3351.

Fermilab’s vision and mission

Fermilab is America’s particle physics and accelerator laboratory.

Our vision is to solve the mysteries of matter, energy, space and time for the benefit of all. We strive to:

  • lead the world in neutrino science with particle accelerators
  • lead the nation in the development of particle colliders and their use for scientific discovery
  • advance particle physics through measurements of the cosmos

Our mission is to drive discovery by:

  • building and operating world-leading accelerator and detector facilities
  • performing pioneering research with national and global partners
  • developing new technologies for science that support U.S. industrial competitiveness